Jinko 580W Bi-Facial N-type Solar Panel


Product Specifications

Type: n-type solar panel
maximum power voltage (vmp): 42.59v
maximum power current (imp): 13.62a
open-circuit voltage (voc): 51.47v
short-circuit current (isc): 14.37a
operating temperature(℃): -40℃~+85℃
maximum system voltage: 1500vdc (iec)
maximum series fuse rating: 30a
power tolerance: 0~+3%
temperature coefficients of pmax: -0.29%/℃
temperature coefficients of voc: -0.25%/℃
temperature coefficients of isc: 0.045%/℃
nominal operating cell temperature (noct): 45±2℃
refer. bifacial factor: 80±5%

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